SmartSense Demeter C-II Ethylene sensor,
launching this year.
Pick the fruits of ethylene-management.
SmartSense helps businesses reduce food waste and improve sustainability by using innovative ethylene sensors to prevent spoilage and waste. Our ethylene sensors are 10x more cost effective than the current industry standards thanks to our unique graphene technology. Join us in making fresh produce supply chain smarter and more sustainable.
Sensors measure ethylene of fruit, vegetables and plants
Ethylene is the earliest indicator of ripening or damage for many fresh products, and the sooner you anticipate this, the better the yield and quality. To be able to detect these ethylene signals, you need a very sensitive sensor. SmartSense offers solutions to measure ethylene at a biological level during production and transport.
With our technology you can get insights on the happiness of your plants and flowers that are localized - for instance per greenhouse section or container - from which you can conclude that they are doing well or in need of attention. Quality monitoring is vital to improve the reduction of waste and energy consumption.
A few ethylene sensitive products

Do you also think it's a waste?
Often, ethylene's increased concentration sources from a few fresh produce items. However, just as in a fruit basket, the stress hormone spreads towards its surroundings and causes a faster degradation. The same occurs in the greenhouses, containers and storage.

Increasing production within Greenhouse farming
Reduction of losses within fresh Transport and Storage

More yield by listening
Plants communicate via ethylene, even with each other. Ethylene causes stress, which can potentially reduce yield. SmartSense sensors listen to the plants so you can keep them happy and optimize yield.

It is important to keep fruit fresh and healthy! SmartSense sensors contribute to optimizing business processes to ensure the freshest product reaches its destination.

Up to date
Transporting fresh products can be risky for quality. SmartSense provides insight into the product quality on board. This allows you to monitor, adjust where necessary, and get the best out of your transport.
The perfect temperature for fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits stay fresh through cooling, but overcooling may lead to cold damage. This balance is delicate. By measuring and analyzing ethylene, the SmartSense sensors can directly see whether the cooling is optimal, and if the vegetables or fruits are beginning to ripen or degrade. Optimize the cooling balance per container or storage unit and increase the yield of valuable products.
Ventilate smarter in greenhouse, storage and containers
Greenhouses need to be ventilated to remove harmful gases such as ethylene, but ventilating also means a loss of energy (heat and CO2). With information about ethylene, the climate can be better managed for an optimal balance between plant health and energy consumption. The SmartSense technology is easy to integrate into existing climate computers.